For this new year, I have decided to change things up a bit. I'm starting off small and going to see where this year takes me and add to it from here. I have never been one to make resolutions and I don't know that my new ideas necessarily count as such - more like an action plan of sorts. After reading for a few years about others choosing a word that represents what they want for themselves in the coming year, I have been inspired to do the same. I am hoping this word will keep me focused and not let so much extraneous "stuff" derail me. My word for 2009 is "CREATE". I love this word and always have and toyed between this and 2 others that are also on my list of favorite words (I'm holding on to those for possible use down the road if this works for me). I hope to "CREATE" more organization, more great memories, more fun, my dream career, a better way of life for my family and a plan to start a foundation to help those with children affected with Type 1 Diabetes.
I am also trying to take stock in the good things that take place. So for this reason alone, I have begun a gratitude journal. It's nothing fancy at this point, but I do find that focusing on the good things can take the edge off. I spend 5 minutes every night writing down all the things I'm grateful for. It really makes me take stock in those sweet moments or that wave from a neighbor we haven't met yet, even that smile from a stranger at the grocery store.
I'll update periodically, but I did want this in print so that the accountability is there. Out with the old, in with the new. Challenging yourself is good and this will be a challenge for me.
1 comment:
Hello to you and your little pixies from me - your visiting SITSta.
I think your resolve to create some great things is a fabulous idea. Good luck with the foundation ...those can be real difficult to get going. It's definitely a worthy cause, though!
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